Looking for veterinary services in West Grove, PA?
If you’re ready to see our expert veterinary team in West Grove, call Penn Animal Hospital today at 610-869-3033 or make an appointment now.
Front Office
We maintain complete and comprehensive medical health records on all pets. We monitor your pet's vaccination status and send reminder notices to let you know what they need and when they need it.
Exam Rooms
We have two examination rooms that we use to evaluate your pet. We place all large pets on our hydraulic table for better examining and weighing. The rooms are equipped with instruments that enable us to evaluate eye problems (such as ulcers, tear production problems, and glaucoma screening), place AVID microchips under the pet's skin, and perform vaccinations and simple wound care.
We offer routine bathing as well as medicated skin and ear treatments. We offer complete body shaving for health and comfort reasons.Laboratory
Our hospital has modern equipment for comprehensive blood tests with same-day results available in most cases. We offer the following tests:
Blood Chemistries – liver, kidney, thyroid, glucose, and electrolyte evaluation
Fecal and urinalysis
Feline leukemia, aids, heartworm and Bartonella testing
Lyme, ehrlichia, anaplasmosis and heartworm testing for dogs
Electrocardiograms – performed with same-day consultation with a cardiologist
Digital Imaging
We offer most routine soft tissue surgeries. Orthopedic surgery and more advanced soft tissue surgery are referred to one of the several specialty hospitals in the area. We maintain a meticulously clean room for surgery and use only sterilized instruments for each and every procedure.
Pets are placed on a warm water circulating pad for their comfort and to maintain their body temperature during surgery. While under anesthesia, your pets’ heart rate, rhythm, respiratory rate, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels are continuously monitored. One of our doctors and technicians is also at your pets’ side the entire time.
We require current pre-anesthetic blood screening to help assess your pets’ health status before using anesthesia. Multi-modal pain relief medication is given before, during and after each procedure.
Digital Radiography
We upgraded to digital radiography for several reasons. First and foremost, we are able to more quickly produce high-quality images with less radiation exposure to our clients’ pets and our employees. We can now print images to a DVD or flash drive for our clients and email them to specialists as needed.